Ciara McCormack Greenwalt, director of Moving Minds Dance, has taught and choreographed for youth programs in the US, Chile, all over the Seattle metro area. Ciara teaches for the Pacific Northwest Ballet’s Community Education Department. She performs professionally with Intrepidus Dance and has served on the board of the Dance Educators Association of Washington since 2017.
"I have been advocating for arts education since I was in school myself,” writes Ciara. “Arts are at the core of how we understand our humanity. Art is how we connect to each other, see ourselves authentically, and make our emotional realm tangible.”
Teaching Superpower: “I am one of the lucky people who is actually good with names, so I strive to make that personal connection with my students right away.”
“What's remarkable about TAT Lab,” she writes, “is *how much* of the learning stuck and was easily integrated into my daily teaching practice. I am also thankful to have been in the room with so many wonderful artists whom I now get to see thriving in their work.”