Laura Halsey Brown is the Founder/Director of ArtWell.studio in Long Beach, WA, which provides art wellness groups and individual sessions, both online and in-person.
ArtWell.studio empowers individuals to use art to support their wellness in a safe, inclusive environment that focuses on process over product and self esteem.
Recent projects include all-age workshops connecting art with nature, trauma-informed sessions for people in recovery from substance abuse, and 12 week support groups for personal wellness.
Halsey Brown has 20+ years of experience teaching Arts-based Social and Emotional Learning to youth – most recently at Dylan Jude Harrell Community Center in Long Beach, WA. She has also taught in museums, public schools and community centers for over 20 years. “Making art is how students/adults learn to communicate their individual voice,” writes Halsey Brown. “Learning about art history can inspire a new ways of seeing the world.”
Teaching Superpower: Having people realize that we are all born with innate creativity.
Halsey Brown is also a practicing artist with a MFA from California Institute for the Arts and BFA from George Washington University. Her interdisciplinary work has been shown in New York, San Francisco and internationally throughout Europe. She has created public art as senseofplaceLAB since 2008. She is also a graduate of a UCLA Arts and Healing program, and has a certificate from the Association of Mental Health Coordinators program.
Biggest takeaway from TAT Lab: Seeing the importance of teaching an integration of social issues with art making/art history.
Learn more about ArtWell.studio’s work and events at https://artwell.studio/
Learn more about Laura Halsey Brown’s artistic practice here: https://laurahalseybrown.art/