Teal Farías is a Mexican queer dancer and community organizer that lives for pleasure activism and building community through dance and performance arts.
Teaching Superpower: “My superpower is my intuition. Always knowing how to adapt the lesson planned in the classroom.”
Teal uses dance and performance arts as a canvas for social justice work. They immigrated almost 6 years ago from Mérida, Yucatán, México and decided to pursue music as DJ Siempre Bruja and play intercultural Latinx beats in the PNW. Teal believes that a community that dances together, stays together.
Why is arts education important? “Art education is the most direct action to help build the world I want to live in.”
TAT Lab’s Teaching Artist R.I.S.E. Award honors diverse arts education voices in Washington state by supporting recipients’ participation in the TAT Lab Core Program. Recipients are emerging leaders in arts education and represent/work with underserved communities including BBIA and BIPOC communities, LGBTQIA+ communities, People with disabilities, Multilingual or English Language Learner (ELL) communities, Immigrant and/or refugee communities, Rural communities and communities outside King and Pierce counties. Learn more at: https://www.arts.wa.gov/tat-lab-core-program/
Images courtesy of Teal Farías